ABC is a private charitable foundation registered with the Canadian Revenue Agency. Our mission is to improve the lives of orphans and vulnerable children by creating educational opportunities in the province of Sissili, Burkina Faso. We are run by committed volunteers and 97% of our revenue goes directly to the communities in Sissili.
Education is the cornerstone of a stable and secure society; an educated populace contributes to local and global sustainability. As such, ABC provides full scholastic support, including tuition, uniforms and school supplies, to children who would otherwise not have the opportunity to attend school. Scholastic achievement and personal development require a healthy diet and because the children we sponsor do not have enough to eat we also provide them with one nutritious meal per day. These efforts are strengthened by the provision of preventative healthcare, sanitary supplies, regular scholastic and family assessments, and mentorship.
ABC engages with Canadian communities by holding community-oriented fundraisers and by facilitating letter exchanges between elementary school students in Canada and Burkina Faso. In Sissili we run a library, hold community-wide educational events, and work with a wide range of local partner organizations.
Your donation will educate a child and change a life forever!
The children of ABC thank you for your continued support.